Sunday, October 22, 2017

Day 6 and 7: Studies and A Sale

Thursday and Friday proved very busy over a variety of activities including a lot of conversations with visitors, documenting and marketing my work here. Friday afternoon found me navigating correspondence with a client over a 4 hour time difference and two days before the sale was confirmed. I took video of the painting, showing details, so they would have a better idea of the work. Buying artwork should not come with any surprises; I  wanted them to know what they were getting.
"Ariel Creek" will be sent to Seattle within a few months time, to accommodate the client's payment plan and my framing it up which is additional time/materials/charge. It is nice that although they are still fairly new at collecting art, they are familiar with the time and effort it takes to make it all go right. A better process for everyone that way too.

I finished three 11x14" on linen of the water lilies; studies that are complete in their way. Started and finished an 8x8" on board as a study for a 20x20" on linen that I started yesterday. With the studies, I worked on two different grounds to get a sense of things, using a rich but translucent Indian Yellow on one, and a Cadmium Red with a bit of Pane's Grey in it for the other. For the bigger one I chose a translucent Pane's Grey and put down the composition and values in white and grey over it.  The first wash of color over it seemed bright, so I'll continue with it today (Sunday).

My husband and three children (23, twins 20) and a boyfriend (25) came to visit Saturday afternoon, spending the night here in the Ice House with me after a long day of canoeing while I was in the studio, and a hike before nightfall that I joined, then dinner. They brought and prepared everything, which was a different operation than I am used to. It also took a while for me to be used to having so many people around! They all loved this place as I thought they would, and are gung-ho for a future, bigger family event in the future.

A group of students and their professor and other staff from University of the Sciences in Philadelphia arrived late Friday night to stay in the Watres Lodge. I had a nice early morning conversation with them, and a studio visit later in the day.

I handed out a lot of postcards on Saturday, to about 10 visitors (couples/groups) and have a possible sale coming from one of the couples who recently built a house nearby. There was lot back and forth as to how/why I am here making paintings. Someone asked if I was famous. I told them that I hoped to be one day, but not necessarily in the Manhattan art scene way, just financially independent because of steady art sales. Another suggested I attend Rittenhouse Square's Art Festival next fall, which I said I am already considering; they said they are regulars and would look for me there. Also had several conversations about what my "work" really entails, besides and over and above the making of paintings. I have found that marketing and administration takes up 2/3 of my total time attending to this re-boot of my career.

Haven't slept well in three nights.

I'll be moved to the Watres Lodge sometime later today, for the duration of my stay, joined by Heidi and another artist. Am expecting a possible sale mid-week, as a collector is driving all the way from Delaware to see this new work in person. I will admit that the amount of interest is a little intimidating, but this is what I am asking for so will meet my own challenge. It also reminds me (which I don't really need reminding of) how valuable a gallery relationship would be.

Am considering driving up to New Hampshire for a two day visit before heading home on Sunday. It depends on what piece/pieces I'm working on by then and how that's going. My time here is invaluable, I know, and I'm balancing that with knowing I will not have time off again until next summer.

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