Thursday, September 3, 2009


If ever there was a Moment of Doubt Show, this would certainly merit consideration for Best Of since despite years of loving nuges to do so by family, my forays into writing have been anything but public. Be Brave, says I...

I'll start with precious, safe stuff.

My summer to-do list started out as a perfectly well designed Word document, but the rows between each item spoke early on to my understanding that the list itself would be as much a work in progress as any of the task outlined on it. Clipped tightly to an aging brown masonite board, its corners have earned their curl, notes in ink and pencil and crayon have eased its early grace, and its surface reflects its tenancy on the kitchen table. Shoved aside shamlessly for dinner or company, it nontheless was my constant companion this summer, giving my restless hands a job to do with the promise of a self-made rainbow at the end. All around the house, things have been washed/sanded/primed/painted, ground/grouted, cut/sanded, torn out/planted/mulched, opened up/patched, ripped out/built. Paint, mortar and steel dust under the fingernails, and sawdust in the nose, splinters, backaches, and sore knuckles have been a small, if not welcome, price to pay.

It all looks Much Better Now. Ahh, there's the rainbow!


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